Sunday, November 16, 2008

Deconstructing Swan

I've spent the last hour working on the first 15 seconds of the new series. I think I've finally come up with something that should be interesting for viewers as well as for myself. So far, it is shaping up to be quite the departure from tokyo swan.. and yet in a way it feels like a more mature version of it. Not sure when the first part of this new series will drop... the original plan was friday, but I can see this taking me quite some time. I've no idea how audiences will react to the new series, but we shall see. Yes, I will try.... rodger


TheAndySan said...

Can you give us an idea of what this new series will be about?

Rodger said...

hmm, more cut up, more honest. Visually more interesting with attempts at new camera angles. Lots of overdub. Stream of conciousness? The editing is taking much longer, it's much more complex in a way. The first new video seems to be taking shape to be about how to deal with life after Japan.

Raziken Zero: Ronald "Rai" Copeland said...

A psychological auto-biography? Now thats something I can get into, dude. (Nice Woody Allen refrence, btw.) I can't wait for the new series to drop, but don't take too long editing it or you may just cut the whole thing :P.

Kawaii Five-O said...

one hour on 15 seconds? I guess none of us really appreciated just how long it takes to put together an episode!

really looking forward to the new series :)